Dear 2010, As your inevitable and much anticipated end is within sight I am struck by an unxepected sense of melancholy at your passing. For as much as I have wished you gone, I now realize that I was wishing away precious time. Time that will take with it, moments with my children that will fade to distant memories, and moments...just moments with mom that will never be replenished. While I will not miss your relentless stream of angry insults to my well being and that of those around me I have come to realize that your passing brings with it still more loss, aaahhhh the irony that is life.
But for all your angry wrath, and attempts to break my spirit I am still standing. A little bruised and obviously battered, not quite who I was before but still standing and ready to face your successor. Sincerely, MJ
Dear 2011, BRING IT. MJ
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